Monthly Archives: June 2016

Collecting Tips: Storage

Storing your items is a very important part of collecting. Collecting takes a lot of money so you want to do everything you can to protect your treasures! I thought I would share my Top tips for storing your CD, cassette and vinyl goodies.

-Wrap Them Up
I cannot recommend this enough. I keep absolutely EVERYTHING wrapped in a resealable clear sleeve. You can get these on ebay, just do a quick search. This will prevent everything from stains, fingerprints and dust. All of these things will damage your items over time. It might seem like a big undertaking to go back and wrap everything up, but it is so worth it. You spend your hard-earned money on these items, so make sure you keep them protected and looking great!

-Always Keep Vinyl Records Vertical
It is very important that when you store your vinyl records, you always stand them vertically and NEVER, ever stack them horizontally on top of each other. Stacking them on top of each other will cause scuff marks and ringwear to the sleeves as the weight above pushes down on them. This can also cause warping and cracking to the records themselves. Also, when you stand them vertically on a shelf, make sure to stand them up as straight as possible. If they lean too much on each other this may cause warping as well.

-Keep Moisture Away
Humidity is not good for your items, especially sleeves and inserts. Changes in temperature can cause wrinkling on thin cd inserts. Try to keep your items away from rooms where there is water, like your bathroom. Steam from your shower can cause damage and mold. You can also buy a dehumidifier or some of those small “moisture eliminators” that trap excess water in the air if the room you keep your items in is too close to a bathroom. I buy these at my local dollar store. You’ll be amazed how much water they suck out of the air!

-Handle Your Items Carefully
I’ve seen countless Youtube videos of people showing their collections where they hold them up, and them slam them onto a hard table or tile floor on top of each other. I cringe every time. Handle them carefully and as little as possible. Always handle your discs by their edges. The natural oils on your hands can also cause fingerprints and stains so make sure you wash your hands before you touch them as well. You don’t have to wear white gloves or anything (unless you want to, but I think that’s a bit much!), but definitely don’t eat greasy food with your hands and then go grab a record. Also, be careful when you are returning your records into their sleeves. NEVER drop a record directly into a sleeve. This WILL cause seam split and may cause fine scratches on the disc from the paper sleeves. Carefully put the record back into its insert and then back into the sleeve. Never leave your records or CDs out of their sleeves and cases longer than you have to. They will attract dust that way.

-Be Careful When Cleaning Your Items
If you buy used records and CD’s, you will surely run into some that need a good cleaning at some point. Resist the temptation to use your shirt or regular napkins/towels to clean them! No matter how soft you think a cloth is, odds are it WILL leave fine scratches on your discs. Instead, invest in some cleaning tools that are specifically made for cleaning CD’s and vinyl.

-Keep Your Collection Away From Sunlight
Direct sunlight is one of the worst things you can expose your items to. Not only is the high temperature bad for them, but sunlight will FADE printing colors over time! Have you ever bought something on ebay and when it arrived, the spine looked like it was faded? Well, the sun did that because whoever owned it stored it next to a window. I’ve seen many pictures of Madonna collectors’ rooms where they have many things displayed on walls and they also have their curtains all the way open. I just shake my head every time. Keep your collections in darker rooms and keep your curtains closed as much as possible. If you don’t have your collection displayed on shelves, you can also carefully pack them into boxes and keep them in a dry area (never a basement, this is where the whole humidity thing comes in again. If you leave your items in a basement, do not be surprised if they are covered in mold when you go check on them again one day).

I know some of these things may been a bit much but if you’re a collector, you have to take steps to preserve your collection. It comes with the territory. Take pride in your collection and treat your items with care and respect! Taking a little time to consider and apply these things will go a long way in keeping your items in great condition.


2016 Vinyl Re-Issues

Well, I went to my local record store today and picked up the Madonna and Like A Virgin re-issue LP’s. I wasn’t going to but the stickers tempted me. Also, in my opinion, the quality of these is better than the 2012 issues. I didn’t buy most of those but still see them in stores. The picture quality on these is very good (not too dark, not too light) and the fonts are crisp. The sepia tone on Like A Virgin is a bit more saturated on the original but it doesn’t bother me. I’m glad I picked these up after all.

Random Thoughts On A Sunday

Just a few thoughts I have in my head at the moment. First of all, I can’t wait for the Rebel Heart Tour to be released on Blu-Ray. I feel like I need some new formats in my hands! Toss me a bone, Madonna, I’m getting impatient! Plus, I can’t wait to re-watch the show. I just hope it’s not as overly edited as Madonna’s last couple of tour releases. I want to feel like I am watching a concert, not a music video. I suspect the release will be sometime in August through October (hopefully!) in time for the Christmas season.

Also, regarding those vinyl reissues that I talked about recently, it seems that there is not much that is different from the 2012 reissues except for some new stickers that are on the front of them that list the featured songs. I hate to say it, but I just may be tempted to get them after all if they all have the stickers on them. Is that bad?? #collectorproblems

Over in the UK, there is an unauthorized 2-CD audio recording of the Girlie Show from Japan being released next month, similar to the Blond Ambition recording that was released not too long ago. I don’t think it’s from the same company. I just wonder how they are getting the license to release these things? It’s very random and strange that it would happen now, many years later. Anyway, I’ll most likely get it. Like I said before, I don’t consider these to be bootlegs because they are in fact being sold by major retailers ( and other record stores) and it seems like they are being released legitimately, even though I’m sure Madonna has nothing to do with it. Honestly, she’s probably not even aware and if she were to catch wind of it, she’d probably put a stop to it.

Last thing I wanted to say is, what the heck is going on with ebay? There is like, NOTHING good on there these days! I check daily and it’s the same old stuff. Or maybe I just have so much that there is almost nothing left to collect? LMAO. My local record stores are also bone-dry on any used Madonna vinyl these days. It’s been a long time since I’ve found a diamond hidden in the shelves! I remember a few years ago when I found a sealed copy of the “You’ll See” USA 12″ at Amoeba in Hollywood. That was AMAZING because I didn’t have it yet and it’s so scarce now. I think I only paid $9.99 for it that day as well!

Anyway, hope everyone had a great weekend! If you have any collection blogs or websites, please direct them my way. I’d love to see your collections and read your stories.


Ranking The Album Tracks Part 11: Confessions On A Dance Floor (2005)

2005 marked Madonna’s self-proclaimed return to the dance music world with the album Confessions On A Dance Floor. Touted as a ‘non-stop, all-dance tour de force’, the album abandoned the acoustic electro-pop of 2003’s American Life for a more modern disco sound. The songs were even seamlessly segued on the album like a DJ set. It would be another couple of years before the electronic dance music wave would start to take over in the USA, but Madonna was a few steps ahead of the genre with Confessions. The Confessions On A Dance Floor era remains one of Madonna’s highest commercial and critical periods post-Ray Of Light. For me personally, Confessions On A Dance Floor was a solid album but still had room for a little improvement. Now it’s time to share my own personal rankings of the songs.

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