Monthly Archives: October 2021

New Items Recap: October 2021

Hi all, it’s been very low-key on the collecting front lately, as you can see. I know we are all awaiting the announcement for next year’s first catalog re-release for Madonna’s new deal with Warner Bros. In the meantime, as you all know, the Madame X tour film debuted on Paramount+. I was lucky enough to get tickets to the Los Angeles screening as well, which was fun. I initially wasn’t going to go because I had conflicting plans, but ultimately I was able to make it after all, so I’m glad I got to experience it on a big screen. I thought the film was shot beautifully. My only complaint is on some of the sound mixing. There are glaring glitches, specifically in the audio release that is available on streaming platforms. Nonetheless, I’m still hoping for a physical release but I am also bracing myself just in case there isn’t one, which is a real possibility. Anyway, below are the items I brought in this month. Happy Halloween!

Hollywood / USA Promo CD (PRO-CDR-101128) / Jewel Case
Remixed & Revisited / German CD (9362-48624-2) / Jewel Case
Hung Up / German CD Maxi (9362 42848 2) / Slim Jewel Case
Open Your Heart / Canadian Cassette Maxi (92 05974) / Plastic Case
Vogue / UK 7” Vinyl (W9851) / Picture Sleeve